Rose Brand and Roeti Soes
Rose Brand is located in Bandung, but the heroic story like these.
Bandung is rice-country and mom so pity with Bandung cannot eat bread, so build there flour farming called Rose brand.
The first bread shop in Bandung was Roeti Soes and every children so obsessed to buy roeti-soes until forgot to pay school-fee, even so abandoned school because the price roti soes that expensive, but princess Rose thought that the price was very cheap. Headmaster of school told to princess Rose for lower price of roeti-soes.
Then princess Rose cut the price of roeti soes into very cheap, and she builded free-school at Bandung, and me came to join school together for friendship.
Later, it was rainy season and water to be dirt and polluted, and me was diarhea and dying, even so many children Bandung had the same sickness until died.
Rose cried and then builded water-company for drinking that very very cheap price for reducing diarhea. Also, prince York, her husband builded free hospital in Bandung.
But, suddenly when me took school in Bandung, they burned the school and me was died trapped inside school then war.
It was big war in 90's between Bandung and France(mom) and Russia(dad) , because they killed me on fire burning of school. And this big war called "Bandung Lautan Api". And me was brought to Northpole for fresh air because me inhaled fog many. Then, me alive back and we left Bandung, the city without gratitude.
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