Princess Bouquet

Princess Bouquet from Netherlands was so quietly since born, even not crying baby, because she was little deaf.

She was deaf because virus meningitis which attacked brain and hearing. She only could hear at 4-7 dB(dessibel), only could low hearing. Her brain didnt response sound effectively.

The virus attacked her until age 2 (two) and caused fever and dying. Then Angel met Queen and gave tulips-flower to be extracted into tulips-oil to drop it in princess'ear.

Later, Queen cultivated much and much tulips flower in almost 90% Netherlands countryland and people helped to cultivate and prayed too.

Then, princess was better hearing by tulips-oil days by days until became a singer. And she got many fans and flowers-bouquet.

Princess became good composer songs and singer for easy listening music and also created genre music R n B (rhytm and ballads). One titled beautiful famous song is "Rush".

Do you like music RnB?



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