Good Milk

There are three good milk:
1. Milk for Diet (my favorite in Korea): Edamame green-milk, not suitable kid in growing time
2. Milk for gain mass muscle : Soya bean-milk, not suitable kid in growing time.
3. Milk for growing time : cow-milk, breast milk.

How to deal with good milk?
1. A good milk more white is healthy milk, without synthetic-color.
2. A good milk not too white indicate expired or contain bacteria.
3. A good milk kept in cold temperature, but heater broken enzym -milk.

How to drink milk?
1. Once open milk, make it sure the color is still white that safety drink.
2. Better white milk, to indicate bacteria or not.

How to differ synthetic milk and good milk?
Synthetic milk is no bacteria, but cause hunger/more appetite.
Good milk is white and nutricious and make full stomach.

How sweet is good milk and synthetic milk?
Good milk is sweeter than synthetic milk, but sugar cannot mix good milk, except added water.

This written for answering gossip disease "pox/cacar".

Just info.



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