Daily Bread
I was stayed in Switzerland with him yesterday and had better cooking skill. So, it could save our money. But, daily bread is a must for morning, because in rush hour to go work in morning.
Suddenly, we cried that supermarket not provide bread anymore because war situation and many stock food was limited and checked amount bank was ruled goverment Switzerland which less amount should out.
Then, we must out tommorow morning because IDR and Dollar only we had, not Euro. And our bread, our stock food couldnot buy with that currency, so we both hunger in our home.
Then, i went to pray, then God came appear in person and brought daily bread and some Euro currency, then God said: Dear, dont go out, it is very cold, here bread from Heaven, after snow melt go soon to Amerika.
But, my boy friend didnt listen and not trust God. He judged me stole food and not believe i had some Euro.
Sometimes, living with someone with different belief is hard, but God preserves us in whatever belief with God's miracle. The day my boy friend left me was mystery, until finally found dead. And God said he was on suicidal.
Just lesson to provide Euro while we go out there, because dollar was so many fake and dollar was naughty identity. Some argument said that. And some rule said no to dollar.
How 'bout we dont have many Euro? Dont stay in Europe, because some government will check our balance bank and kick out.
Just info.
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