
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2024

The Bridges of Pray, Caleo-Cappadocia, Turkey

People said the 2nd high mountain is Caleo-Cappadocia, after Mt. Everest. There on top hill Caleo, built the bridges of pray, a solemn place to feed the birds fly with bringing your pray on birds'feet. You said that was impossible, a land not to be green, there Prince Hussein prayed there with repent heart and people no more hunger. You said that you could not find your true love, there Princess prayed there with repent heart, also feeding the birds fly and hung on her pray on birds' feet  and she found her love. You said that Angel was story, there King met Angel and his Queen was alive back from dying, Wanna trying luck? Visit here the bridges of pray, hill Caleo-Cappadocia, Turkey. I ever visited here with family  yesterday once time. Just info. Thank you.

Dress Armour by Rose

Dress Armour by Rose--already written, but nowhere-- Only Exception by Rose--already written, but nowhere--


One day, i visited Bhutan for Health Programme WHO (World Health Organization)---but wait this is rule dont easily to smile to everyone. Why because they respectful for their spouse, not new one. Just put your hand in pray position. That safe level to visit everywhere at Asia. One day, they offered me "becha", and i said no! Because we had been picked by local government. Then, local government said do not take becha, because it contained negative, better took bus or taxi.  So, sorry, an unique traditional transportation comparable with bitch- negative. How about local food taste? My questioned, and local government said that they were afraid not suitable with our taste, but if wanna try, better at mall and supermarket.  So, if you visit to Bhutan and Asia, learning about what i have told in this written. That we are now in different century that yesterday and today are different. O, so sorry for becha today.

Beautiful Advice

I had seaten with economy-class while travelling to Japan, but felt strange by people around. And one Japan man said, "Are you comfortable on plane economy-class?" And i said, "It's okay. " Then he discussed with me about moral hazard lately in China, Korea, Japan and he said many woman won't kid and they are chasing career and he said to me for not like them. He said his wife cannot pregnant since been career director, always busy and busy until died because cancer. And i smiled and thank you for the advise. Then, we met again at shopping-mall Japan, and he said for not hard to work and slow down and he said with giving me adresss of his job, if someday if i need slow job. 2 week after that, i planned to visit his job, and not found this adress, and not found this person. This site job had burnt 8 year a go, include management and employee. And they said that me not update about news few year ago. This person named Mr. KOJIYAMA, and he was the ghost that in...

Daily Bread

I was stayed in Switzerland with him yesterday and had better cooking skill. So, it could save our money. But, daily bread is a must for morning, because in rush hour to go work in morning. Suddenly, we cried that supermarket not provide bread anymore because war situation and many stock food was limited and checked amount bank was ruled goverment Switzerland which less amount should out. Then, we must out tommorow morning because IDR and Dollar only we had, not Euro. And our bread, our stock food couldnot buy with that currency, so we both hunger in our home. Then, i went to pray, then God came appear in person and brought daily bread and some Euro currency, then God said: Dear, dont go out, it is very cold, here bread from Heaven, after snow melt go soon to Amerika. But, my boy friend didnt listen and not trust God. He judged me stole food and not believe i had some Euro. Sometimes, living with someone with different belief is hard, but God preserves us in whatever belief with God...


It was a lot of turtle moving from Sandringham-beach to Indonesia, because winter. They used to move on winter on sunset for not captured by human. Suddenly, i was sitting on Marina beach for fishing with him, and i captured cried-turtle which couldnot stand with winter. I took care of some turtle, and i was astonished about, they carried on the pearls on its back. Some turtle died on the journey to warm-weather Indonesia. But, turtle is a good animal, they saved pearls too. In this winter, they are a lot people for need warm-shelter, so it does the animal, especially turtle which not strong enough to walk far. Save the turtle from winter, lucky on you that you will get pearl on its back. Thank you.