Little Childhood Queen Antoinnette
Have you heard bible story Samuel who lived in chapel?
My grandma, Queen Antoinnette did. She was living in chapel because her parents died, after born her.
Everyday, little Antoinnette read bible and in chapter bible "Samuel", she tore that part and said that was hurting and poor living in chapel without parents.
At age 10, little Antoinnette slept in shelter, out from chapel, then met Angel.
But, she hated bible and Angel and she won't listen.
Angel gave money and asked her for DNA test in Embassy, but that money for buying chocholate.
Again, Angel came by giving chocholate and money, but that money for buying hot dog and pizza.
Later, Angel met pope Frank to make little Antoinnette believin Angel's story that she is princess. Pope Frank brought little Antoinnette to city to Embassy to DNA princess test.
Then, she believin God again that God is so good, after announced as princess.
May your days fill with goodness of God, and you believe God and be good.
Good Luck
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