Tragedy Dua Lipa (already confirmed)

It was several years a go, Dua Lipa had concert in Indonesia, and the body guard from Indonesia. Suddenly, three body guard had dead before concert. One of them was family of my boy friend.

Then, my boy friend told me that Dua Lipa was family missionary for Asia of course been tragedy of her concert.

In another day, while i was doing export-import about coffee to Chicago-San Diego that was happened again tragedy Dua Lipa. Bartender-DJ played music Dua Lipa, later after that fire burning for whole cafe.

In another day, while i was Director BMG Music Record for Hongkong, i met true father of Dua Lipa. Then, he asked for promotion songs Dua Lipa in extended longer time, and of course he paid much. But, i had conveyed him about tragedy gossip Dua Lipa that i was afraid about it. Then, his true father said Imannuel, God be with us and protect us.

The day after that, song of Dua Lipa played in Mall of Hongkong and fire burning for whole Mall of Hongkong.

In another day, true father Dua Lipa was dead.

Now, it has been confirmed with uncle Dua Lipa about what missionary was. And the answer is missionary healthy to Family President Suharto, President Indonesia. That Mrs. Lady Tien Suharto, wife President Suharto got healed by praying grandparents Dua Lipa. And this missionary healthy caused tragedy 1998 in Indonesia.



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