An Merchantile Station
Yesterday, it was an old train station, named Merchantile, Bremen, Germany which so mystical. Tragedy an prince who design train with their friends. Tragedy red train and blue train.
This train colored red for morning for student and very very crowd. It conduct with coal as engine-fuel.
An little prince, who design this, always sitting in the middle of the train sometimes to singing together before go to school with their friends.
Suddenly, it was hijack and tragedy all died. That blue train for merchant crashed with red train for student.
It was happened at Merchantile, Bremen. Sometimes it called Bremen-tragedy.
If, you sitting at Bremen station or stay at Bremen village that you can have hallutination about the tragedy. That's why King build tobacco-fabrique to reduce his stress and hallutination.
Every 8pm, "circle halo white" and "halo purple" look at skies at Bremen, near Merchantile station. You can call Nasa about what is "circle halo" completely.
But, for lesson, if you see this sign,"circle halo", please dont travel. That's why stop for the rail-way.
The End.
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