
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2022

How to Melting Snow

Here is the way how to melting snow : 1. Prepare 3 spoon salt + 2 spoon detergen + 2 spoon sugar. 2. Mix with half pail of water and stir up. 3. After stir up, wash away the victim of snow. Yuup. It is ready to clean snow.

How to Make Warm House-end-

How to Make Warm House : 1. Made from sand (pasir) for foundation like igloo. Igloo is house for Eskimo, North Pole. 2. Made from wood for wall, roof and floor. 3. or Coated (dilapisi) with wood and sand for wall, roof and floor. If u coated with carpet, it wet long time and hard to clean. Just compare which one is warmer! But, my house not coated-- many fussy ( cerewet) here! Just suggestion and info. End.

Garden Tomb and Rainbow Night

 Garden Tomb is a cave where laid there Jesus and Judas. But Jesus risen and Judas not. Then, many years later Judas dead body picked up by King Herod to Palace. But, somehow not understand who laid at Garden Tomb was Judas, so when Jesus appear everywhere, they wont believe Jesus anymore. So many pray at Garden Tomb with eating cane, after fasting. Why some believe it, cane is cooking healthy that brought by Mary to make Jesus alive again. But, dont you know that when Easter celebration, people forgot Garden Tomb and like blink-blink party and saying : God is Risen. But, on that site, Garden Tomb where two laid people, that are Jesus and Judas, Angel often appear on it and on skies look so beautiful with snow sometimes. Rainbow in the night on skies Garden Tomb. Just said : Jesus is Risen and my Judas not, but here you may feel rainbow in the night which nothing wrong between us---because God is Risen. I visited Garden Tomb yesterday with my true family while i was a kid. Happy Ea...

September 11 on site WTC tragedy

# There is fountain never stop flow automatically at Rockefeller, on WTC site tragedy. That sources from God. On Sunday, fountain taste sweeter. On winter and holiday season fountain taste sweetest. On summer, fountain taste plain. The gossip is fountain flow from bank ANZ flow who got hit accident. God replace money on the bank with fountain flow never end automatically. Some said, a lot gold fish yesterday there inside fountain , if you are lucky that gold fish bring gold coin on his mouth and his belly. Try catch golden fish and open his mouth. End.

Mystical Jesus : Via Dolorosa and my secret

1. Via Dolorosa Sky, redstars fallen 2. Getsemane sky which many rock fallen Here my secret: Yesterday, we kissed each other at Getsemane, then we found kryptonite---hit my head, a precious rock stone from outer-space. It is like jewellery stone. We peel (mengupas) that stone first. And then we become rich. On via dolorosa seem red-jelly fallen  on the ground then freeze into beautiful stone, but cannot be sold, not like kryptonite. In fact, that red-jelly is red-stars fallen, when freeze that become stone. On the top roof of sky-hotel, you can find a freeze-jelly sometimes. It was star fallen. Thank you. End.

Merry X mas and Happy New Year


Closed Year : Himalaya View

Himalaya has best view in the end of year and welcoming new year. I had been there but lack of water, because forgot bringing enough drink. I had been there with true family. Dont forget bring water and enough food. Here the best view Himalaya in the end of year and welcoming new year  : 1. Skies divided two: light and dark 2. Moon eclipse 3. Commet shower 4. Many eagles fly from Heaven and soar! Do not publish, before proof my words! Thank you for the attention🙂 End.

Silver Bell and Twilight Dawn (dawn=early morning)

It was in Oregon that ice melting and silver bell ringing louder many times. Ding dong ding. Every hearings come to church and not understand why silver bell ringing louder. Now, they understand that the way to save people from ice-melting with coldest temperature is go to Church and heard Silver Bell. Blizzard snow, volcano  and ice-melting killed many in Oregon, and Oregon become smaller island. In this season Christmas, let us hear 'Silver Bell' and appreciate those tragedy. This twilight dawn (early morning) colorful always  happen at 24-25 December at Lake Oregon. And everybody shout, "Darling, i wish you were here because all saved is mostly man that run into church on hearing silver bell. " And i asked to my grandpa, " Why woman and children not?" " They are lazy because feelin' and take all responsible to man. Now, equally, right. " THE END

Atlanta Glowing Beaches

Where is Atlanta Nortic Beaches? I forgot. This beaches is glowing (light in the dark in the night) both sand and sea-water and more glowing in the moon- eclipse each month that always happen here. In this world glowing sand beach only two: 1. Wakiki Beach 2. Atlanta Nortic Beach Just info for our holiday. Yesterday, i have been travelling here with husband but not at best season . And while kid with true parents been travelled here at best season. Best season, you can contact local government and Nasa about weather and moon-eclipse that each month and other moon-phenomenon. It is the best place view about moon-elipse each month and blue-moon and bloodyred-moon. Best shooting vampire movie. Based my own knowlwdge : Bluemoon: winters so very cold and biggest size of moon Bloodyredmoon: the lowest gravity and cause volcano activity. End. Source:  True Family

An Merchantile Station

Yesterday, it was an old train station, named Merchantile, Bremen, Germany which so mystical. Tragedy an prince who design train with their friends. Tragedy red train and blue train. This train colored red for morning for student and very very crowd. It conduct with coal as engine-fuel. An little prince, who design this, always sitting in the middle of the train sometimes to singing together before go to school with their friends. Suddenly, it was hijack and tragedy all died. That blue train for merchant crashed with red train for student. It was happened at Merchantile, Bremen. Sometimes it called Bremen-tragedy. If, you sitting at Bremen station or stay at Bremen village that you can have hallutination about the tragedy. That's why King build tobacco-fabrique to reduce his stress and hallutination. Every 8pm, "circle halo white" and "halo purple" look at skies at Bremen, near Merchantile station. You can call Nasa about what is "circle halo" complete...

New Year's Dead Celebration and Luck, Santana Bulgaria

New Year's Dead Celebration and Luck, Santana Bulgaria 1.You must wear green- clothes. They will ask you, "Have you brought green-clothes?" 2.Tarrot will tell you to find luck They will ask you, "Will you faithful, if not, Tarrot will not giving answer." 3.Party dances for erase the tears for died people They will ask you, "Are u still love family n children, if not you not allowed to dance." 4.Bring photo of him who died and paid Tarrot. Meaning tarrot : 1. Died, they will not tell you, just giving a warn! 2. Love, they will tell you most. I know my Tarrot.

a City Called TaeWon

TaeWon in English word called 'bee' is a city in Korea which produces the largest honey (madu) polleen in the world. History of the city like these : 1. Yesterday, princess been killed then happen an big massive struck EarthQuake. 2. Princess died because prank (joke) of her friends! Where her friends put snakes in her car. 3. Lot of people died because earthquake and nobody wake up, after the died of princess. 4. Suddenly, God send a thousand taewon/bee to wake up all people. That's why called TaeWon/itaewon city. 5. In every first circle-moon (bulan sabit) commonly on 1st April, commet shower happened in this city, TaeWon and some other city in Korea. That's folk but proof with the commet shower, because i have seen it yesterday. The End.

Animal Market, Versgald, Bolivia

Yesterday, we just loose baby, and we would like to adopt a doodle(pudle) dog. A kind of the cutiest dog in the world is pudle(doodle). We had been traveled only for pudle(doodle)from around the world: Australia, Asia, Amerika, Europe---just to erase our tears about loosing our baby.  Until, we finally gave up and will change it with cat. But, suddenly, he prayed at Vatikan without me--and meeting someone to give information about Versgald animal market, Bolivia. This Versgald market is very unique market and floating market with boat sometimes. You must try to visit this market, if you are animal lover. Later, we bought two doodle(pudle) dog and three china rabbit. Very cool animal market. Thank you. The End.