Smile without You, part.7

I was sitting alone at supermarket with ice cream, but in my sight just minute a go, I was sitting with many friends.

Suddenly, he come and saying : hi cewe amnesia bo(bimbingan orangtua) hahaha apa kabar?sendirian?

He is Switzerland-man in hurry to chase train, and saying: never mind lost schedule to be sitting together with me with ice- cream to know me more.

Then, i call and text my friend about waiting her so long at supermarket and meet someone new.

Then, her mom replied that my friend has died 3 weeks ago. 

Then, i broke my handphone and saying her mom was crazy by telling my friend has gone.

Then, he called that number to settle that news and telling to me ,it was right. That 5 friends has died.

And, i said No!No!Hoax! then i cried , then he hugh me and kiss me, then i got faint and hospital.

He said that he can be my everything: family, friend, lover, brother, sister and more. Dont worry! Dont worry!---then he purpose me in hospital.

Tommorow, i married at church nearby with witnesses many, and celebrated at Hotel nearby, too.

Later, i flew to Switzerland, to Canada and moving everywhere.

I worked for Switz television with studying Law.

Not many remembering, finally he died and I moved Canada with his father to see his cousin.

Not many remembering, apartment blocked fire and his father died.

Then, they deported me for not complete document.

But, his cousin pleaded me by saying why deport princess? Then his cousin died and officer laugh harder.


Back to Indonesia---and finally nowhere ours daughter.



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