
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2024

Baby Versailles

Baby Versailles It was my story. She ate the mirror-glass, because broken eye. She died. She just baby who learnt creeping. The whole Versailles died on suicidal. 3 years had been her gone, everybody got mad and flooding. She learnt walked at Heaven, and God teached her to eat rightly, and God healed her broken eye. Then the baby woke up and she was able to walk by teaching Heaven, also able to cook bread. She opened her first bread shop, named Mirror.

Squirrel and Queen

=========================Valentine's story====================== It was many squirrel catched chocholate so much at Queen's farming, so that Queen couldnt have chocholate anymore for her cake and drinking. That squirrel will be killed because stealing chocholate, but wait Queen and King loved the squirel because saved Majesty life. It was fire burning at Palace, an squirrel clawed King's face to wake up for ran from the fire burning. Then, the whole Palace been saved. Later, an squirrel adopted inside Palace Borg and its painting about it. Then, there is a Law not to kill animal especially squirrel around Europe since that tragedy. But, now that squirrel had died because sick, to express her love, Queen shared some chocholate to children into today on Valentine's day.  Now, everyone acted like Queen by giving chocholate to express love on Valentine's day. So lovely Queen. =============================End=============================

Under Pressure

An job make you feeling under pressure, sometimes--- because you less care with yourself. Some suggest to have love, but it more pressure because love cost things. Then, i inhaled deep to slow down. A man appeared and said, "Each button has its time to reset back, why so worry?" Then, he dissappeared. A old grandpa Lord held my hand, said, "Dont worry, God knows the best place to comfort you, if you full of mercy and warmth." "To be a good girl is not measured by achivement, but heart of mercy and warmth, and all ship will be halt to see you, and they pick you," said old grandpa Lord. "You are amnesia, dont too much under pressure, you can be more lost memory," said old grandpa Lord. Then  a old granpa Lord  said to resign job as UN-NATO for Ukraine&Russia--and healed the amnesia first. First, heal the memory by reducing under pressure of job. Secondly, having heart of merciful and warmth for there is a man to halt in your heart and pick you....

Rewrite : Harvest like Candy

Plant love, harvest love, with doing things, but plant tears, harvest tears, with doing nothing. Love is growing and multiply fruitfully, if we care about it. Have you plant love? Why expect harvest love? When, i was sitting and talking with my grand grandpa, King Northpole, he said when we plant sweetest thing, we harvest sweetest thing like candy. But, dont force it with an sign. How can we harvest like candy? When we feel no regret. It happened to him, when he was waiting someone, he expected with an sign from God---but someone came in his life, a beautiful lady with different belief, not suitable with an sign. She came since child, and making growing love in youth time. Everything seem perfect, but not like sign, then he didnt purpose early and doubtful until she was died on tragic accident. King said to me, "making plant love and growing love is better than an sign"  that God said to him when he was suicidal for her. Later, he understood that God had answered his pray, b...

O, Christmas Tree

Have you ever known the history of Christmast tree? I know that you are not kid, but let me tell you. Yesterday, it was very coldest winter in Northpole, and many people died. And no stack of wood to make it warm with fire. Because, people so crazy of coldest winter, they burned the forest. And fire-burning went through all Northpole until the melting ice then cold-flood. But, it was miracle, Christmas tree (pine) was still standing there, although fire burning and flood melting ice. Then, they cut that christmas tree (pine), surprisingly money inside christmas tree (pine). More cut christmas tree(pine), they got more money. Then, they went to city to buy food and new dress, new clothes because money inside christmas tree(pine), after that tragedy. That was tragedy Northpole that make people believing today about miracle on Christmas tree (pine).  Let's hope miracle on Christmas. Thankyou.

Kiss and Bye

When we gonna say good bye, we often said :  Take Care! Love you! Call me later! See you later! Nice to meet you! I'll be right back!---but never said Bye or Good bye! We said it with kissing. Some of spouse believed that the destiny for together, but never said Bye! or Good bye!, although we get far distance. Never say good bye, cause believing in your heart that the destiny for together, giving right kisses, dont giving left kisses. And huge the right-back- shoulder. If you are broke, just said: Sorry, but dont ever give left kiss. Because, we dont hope that. When, i said good bye to him, he mad and i apologized for not knowing the true meaning. Just opinion, you may agree or disagree with me.  

Catasthrope Disease

It was catasthrope syndrome around the world, and hard-disease are haunting like : kusta and diarhea. 1. Kusta (Leprosy) An skin for kusta formerly like acne, then getting wider and infectious, mostly 1 until 6 kusta into whole body. Blood test : if you had, one or more wider-acne and felt infectious that not getting heal with acne skin care, you may blood test of kusta. Result blood test :   positive kusta, if blood color yellow with test-liquid. Medical treatment : change and clean your blood until many times and more consume vitamin A, and separate with your family and friend for not getting the same. Not proved yet with laser. 2. Diarhea Keep maintain the reserve of water always clean and no bacteria. An disease with lack of water of body because wasting shit too many, because too many bacteria in stomach. Medical treatment : infuses food and water and killing the bacteria with laser and medicine. Just info.

Giving Kindness

"Dont forget for doing goods, but they will take for granted, " said mom. "No matter granted or not granted, do not expect in return, " said mom. "No matter they will not respect you on your kindness, you should sow it because you represent as God's hand, " said dad. "If, they go because your kindness, let it be, but dont too much to make them go, " said dad. Don too much in giving kindness. Only God who giving too much. You just represent God. Sow it. If one day, people kick you because your kindness, just said i sow it to represent God's hand, only God knows the measure to return.