New Caledonia
New Caledonia is a beautiful country. Here the story of Caledon. Yesterday, it was flooding in Caledonia, many animals died even so people there cannot attain food, just banana only available. People so kind, they sold everything to give money to Church to help others who cannot attain food. Thank you my brother, thankyou my sister, thank you Lord, we all ate banana, but not meat. Why flooding, if they are kind? Queen was died. But, people wasnt stray, they helped each other. Prime Minister said not found yet the Queen, and country was crisis, only available the banana. They couldnot cultivate anything, not thrive, just banana. Then, all got sickness and died. Here the lost generation. Then, God cried, God shed birds, they ate bird, meaty bird. It seem like story bible, but not story bible. Then, they opened up mouth of bird, even so belly of bird, yes there is money, then they went to school to Australia and America by birds' money. But, they kept this secret. But, some document ...