
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2024

Noah and Arkansas (Re-write)

Where is Arkansas? Where is Noah's Ark? Noah's Ark found in mountain near Arkansas, that 's why it called Ark+kansas(=landed). But, son of Noah had burnt that Ark, because his lover died not follow him entered the Ark. One day, colorful birds came to castle Greeenland and the birds told many many things about flood massive tragedy to Princess Greenland and also the rainbow appeared and seen from castle Greenland. Princess Greenland had curiosity and then discovered it to mountain Arkansas, then found Ark and son of Noah, then married. Now, everyone understands why there is painted "Noah's Ark" inside castle Greenland. Just info. End.

Museo de Carmen

There is museo de Carmen in Portugal. Museo told about the truth behind her living, The Living of Lady Carmen. Not known all, but at least we knew story about Lady Carmen who birth without parents and died suicidal 6 times after loosing her husband. Lady Carmen is princess who grew up with her grandparents. She had no friend, just cat as her friend, no brother and no sister. She like paintings so much and her famous painting was Michael de Angelo. She ever met Michael the Angel when her grandparents died, and she painted him. In her entire life, she wrote book guided by Angel, book about truth of happiness. This book title Sono Gracias. Sono Gracias told about how life can be meaningful as woman, if we thankful about ourlook, our appearence, later we never worried a blessings everythings. A perfect husband, a perfect family, or any blessings. Later, she got married a perfect husband, as prom is es Michael, the Angel. She was so happy and thankful. Later her husband died, because Lady C...

NYPD and Fire Brigade from Heaven

Yesterday, my grandpa counted NYPD(New York Police Departement) and Fire Brigade around Amerika. The answer is Miracle Heaven that found NYPD thousands on the spot WTC tragedy, also found Fire Brigade thousands on the spot WTC tragedy. In fact the stock NYPD was only an hundred, also the stock Fire Brigade was only an hundred, too. Thank you God.

Grandma Dorothy

One day, my mom introduced me with grand grand mother Dorothy who just birthday 107 years old. And in her old time she always said: more older, more not and not alone because every weekend around the world to visit grand children. She spared her oldies time with braidery basket, and sold it as wedding-stuff. Also, she cultivated flowers, and sold it as wedding-stuff. She opened class to braid basket with others old woman. She never forgot because active. She wrote a book about wedding story, this book sold in Switzerland. She also opened small bussiness about wedding. Because she never felt sorry about her wedding, and hope good for our wedding, too. One day, grand grandma Dorothy shared her marriage life with me. She said about her husband was very handsome and everybody wanted him. She was jealous then left the city going to America for education, but she couldnot forget him. And one day, grand grandma Dorothy went to Northpole and shared her feeling about her dreamlove to Santa, lat...