
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2023

Diet : Korma fruit specialty Alger

There is Korma fruit in Alger which tastes very sweet without cores (biji). And can hold this from hunger 10 hours without any food again. Suitable for fasting. This believed is food of John Baptist and Goliath, and now only found in Alger. Goliath no diet no fasting, but tallest and sexy because this korma fruit Alger. And everyone in Alger found tall and no fat and what they said is because grateful of eating Korma without cores and never hunger too long. Do you on diet? just try diet style in Alger with Korma fruit without cores. You will tall and sexy like Goliath and Delilah and Samson and other heroes story. This is the gossip which i heard from friends at coffee shop in Africa. End.

Tower Madasau [Madame Tusau] France

It was long long time in history France. It was "quilt/slaughtered" at Stock Exchange France at inside Tower Madasau (Madame Tusau), Eire. When all voice tragedy were recorded in voice recording broadcast radio inside the building Tower Stock Exchange Madasau. All France heard the screamin' radio broadcast directly, but never realized that was true happening. That made of recorded by murderer. Then many police comin too late because tower was too high. All been killed at the peak tower highest, that inside Tower Broadcast Radio Madasau. To relieve these trauma and pain, King made Wi-fi and internet that available in good sight and securely. And all station radio been destroyed since these traumatic tragedy. Be careful with mal-information, may be true or not. You may check quickly. The End.

Malaria-disease and Brand Clothes

It was winter, and the little of me got "Malaria-disease" and mom prayed under Star Sattelite Mercury (Star Betlehem Jesus). She went to Betlehem with fasting and wanna suicidal, because the little of me got comma of "Malaria-disease". Then, mom met Angel by saying to not forbid me to drink coffee, because happiness is imunity . And making her happy by whispering each words and making her dress well in her comma and future. Then, mom making brand clothes and some design for future me also. And some investment in coffee. Nowhere. Hey, making yours family happy, before its too late.

English Abbreviate

1. Gotta : got the answer 2. Gonna : going in naturally 3. Getcha/gotcha : get/got the chance 4. Captcha : capture the chance 5. Wanna : wanting in naturally 6. Whereas : where all is 7. Wholly : whole all throughly 8. Whatsap : what is appoint(ment) I think my lesson is right.

What Heaven Look

1. Gate very tall until unseen its peak, and there outside gate is coffee-shop. 2. The way is land ice. 3. Along the way is apple-tree. 4. Rain is milk. 5. Fresh pure water abundantly. 6. Pure honey abundantly every corner park. 7. The house is small. 8. No cars, no horse, no bicycle, just walking all to reach God and noone exhausted to reach God. 9. God is sitting there at the bench crsytal-stone, every 11 am in about 30 minutes. Everyone in queque to talk with God. 10. Hospital is colored pink, and restaurant colored- blue, school colored grey, beauty-salon colored black.  11. Activity people Heaven : school and family relationship (berumahtangga) such homegardener, cooking etc.

Fashion Crocodile Ethiophia

Yesterday, it was my birthday and he gave me shoes and bag from skin crocodile Ethiophia. And he said by buying these like donation charity also. But, it was not funny after buying it, many reptile lizard come in to my shoes crocodile and he tried to save it from bite. Later, he got bite. So, whatever skin crocodile, please do not use it for fashion. Because, it attract other animal--and can bite you. Just info. The End. #mutilation_unbelieveble


Yesterday, i went to Milan alone because wrong destination ticket by ticket-seller. Sitting at coffee and order food because waiting rain and not found hotel yet. Then, i borrowed umbrella to find hotel to stay--but she offered her house. Then, i called my boss Microsoft, and no answer. Hmm, coffee closed and accepted her to stay in her house, because no umbrella. Later, i woke up, i lost everything: money, ATM, credit card, ID-card, laptop, handphone. Even so my luggage empty and naked. It was so criminal for me in Milan. Here is my tips to avoid criminal : 1. Never trust anyone in travelling. 2. Choose the trusted hotel. 3. Choose the right partner. 4. Choose the trusted coffee-shop and restaurant. 5. Scan and copy your ID card and ticket for insurance claim and security.

Frying Sand to Cook and Forget

In Solomon, in West Papua, in New Guinea island, they cook frying with sand. Anything fried: fish, tempe, chicken, pork. But, saddie here, they dont like vegetables. They said : Vegetables is poor food, but they like fruit. But, one day while i was working with Exxon, they asked about why that oil gazoline not for cooking. We said No! oil for cooking from palm plantation. They drive car with freely gazoline, but seem unhappy, and said: just paid if you feel unhappy. Later, they paid. Later, few days after these, Sand Restaurant got fire burning and they cried easily. Why?Because they dont learn cooking and sorry. Later, after few days, invasion Indonesia and Australia come in---and      " They Forgot to Cook with Sand which No Colesterol Really " What if no "Oil"  to cook anymore. Will you go on modernity?

Ball City : San Jose

There is ball-city in Brazil, San Jose. Every corner city, you can find ball and its creativity. You can put your picture and name on the ball, like me and spouse yesterday. Not only ball for football but ball for volley. You got interviewed in here, if you the best couple. Also, got photo session on magazine and free lunch/free dinner and pocket-money. We did as the best couple. Hahaha, you can play volley-ball at beach freely with other spouse. Or, you can play foot-ball match-maker, if you are single. And free gift, if you the best couple. Happy Valentine😁

World Sea at Nunuku and Changing My Name

I do not know exactly, where is Nunuku, not found in map. But, yesterday i've been there with parents. It located on South Pacific in the middle of Caribean and Cuba. But, world sea is not called ALIVE without seeing this beautiful island. In the year marriage birthday papa and mama, there settle hotels with name after me. This hotel is about cuisane from sea. And inside is aquarium modern about sea. But, go on beach on evening, you can see about dancing of world sea and commet-shower---and yesterday papa met Jesus on boat. Jesus said for changing my name B to C and called all lawyer in the world about the future of me, because my life will be in sorrow. In Nunuku island, papa met congress with whole lawyer and prime minister to change my name from B to C. Because B SHIT! And C is Candle Bright. So, by congress lawyer and prime minister, after met Jesus---my name is Candle (C) Louissa Antoinnette. Without name : "Berta", because name B  SHIT image!

Tomoni and Tomona

Tomoni and Tomona was brother and sister. Their parents died on WTC. She shared everything to me and I shared everything to her. Suddenly, Tomona--her brother died while buying American Grill for us. Then, we burried Tomona. And Tomoni could not earn, but not wanting to work as servant as cleaning service to needed. Then, Tomoni met her ghost parents to work anything in humble way, later Princess will remember about Tomoni-stories---and promise to bring Justice. Tomoni is Princess from Amazone mix Indian and mix Mexico---the DNA proof someday. I always remember you, Tomoni, and you have to remember me also. Thank you.

Eden-Park and Typhi-alergic

Eden-Park for Adam and Eve located in ---some people said in Syria----- What fruit forbidden to eat ---some people said is Marquisa Syria that cause drunk--- Which part of Syria? In border West Syria and Beach Agis What is the fact about this truth? ----some people said because the water is very sweet and making forget pain from Euphrat rivery to the end Beach Agis---- Euphrat rivery containing salmon red-pinkish  and seaweed, this seaweed making taste sweety ever to water. While, i was working as doctor WHO, everyday eating seaweed and salmon by fishing from Euphrat rivery. The case of disease is thyphi-alergic, that resulted for thypi- alergic are from dusty of war that polluted in Euphrat rivery. Alergic with low imune, called thypi-alergic. Low imune such like dizzling yellow sight and pale. Are you thypi-alergic?

NASA : Star-birth-Jesus every Christmas

Why Christmas on 25 December? Because, star-birth-Jesus like what seen the sheperd, Majusi and Herod about  show up yesterday, now in around the world every 24-25 December. Then decided with Government as Christmas day. This star is very BIG because it was Sattelite(follower)-star of Mercury, named Betlehem Jesus (BJ).

Ghost-Jail Fuckermonte, Germany

Yesterday, we visited ghost-jail Fuckermonte, Germany---and we challenge with local TV show : And the result is : 1. The ghost are grudge with us---some of us are dead after challenging ghost. 2. The ghost are virgin---some of us who has been couple not luckily. 3. The ghost are looking for justice--some of us who been lawyer and give them food is not died. Just question that ghost-jail Fuckermonte are jail for what??? That are jail for killed Monte- family who been kicked by invasion another country. Monte family was influencer 44BC .

Boat Madagascar is Boat Jesus

Boat Jesus in Madagascar that some people said. But why not in Galilee, Israel like yesterday? Because, noone believe in that boat. How could African believe it? Yes, yesterday Queen Cleopatra bought it after doing some tested with whole fully fishes about never, never and never sink. And before Peter (disciple Jesus) died, he use this boat to go to whole world to glorify Jesus---and there are spot blood on that boat. Like blood Peter. End

Scuba Diving : Beautiful River Canada

Canada is the biggest river on planet Earth,  that crossing with Amazone, Lake Yakut Ontario. Take carefully map. It is a lot big fish--but sometimes you dont know the river inside is the biggest piranha and the biggest catfish. So, the biggest fish mostly come from Canada. The seaweed colorful many : green, red, yellow, blue. While, i was working at World Wild Foundation (WWF) for marine life, i found scary here: many big fish but beautiful seaweed. You may try scuba-diving here, but it is okay big piranha and big catfish not killing you. Do you scuba-diving-lover? As we know, scuba diving consist two : 1. Scuba diving expert == scuba diving which consist hidrogen, oxygen and ventilator for depth more, for long term 1-2 hours, for rescue, not for beginner. 2. Scuba diving beginner === scuba diving which oxygen only, but not too depth, for not long term, maximum 30 minute, for beginner. Just info fun. End

Bee-Jelly Vs Bee-Polen

What is different bee-jelly and bee-polen? 1.Bee-jelly : honey(madu) from black-bee, tasty like jelly. It sucked from flowers. 2.Bee-polen : honey (madu) from yellow-bee, tasty like polen( like net spider ). It sucked from fruits. 3. Mix bee jelly-polen : honey mix both bee- jelly and bee-polen. Advantages : 1. Bee-jelly for drink and food , but bee-polen for medicine. What medicine which use bee-polen? Anti-inflamation (radang). For more information, please contact industrial bee? I guess, my knowledge is true 🤔

Travelling to Iceland : Snowy-Candy

If you never to Iceland, you never eat   "Snowy-Candy". It is offered at plane and airport only. Because, yesterday there is Captain Snowy who faint because lack of sugar / lack of insuline until died and whole passengers died because plane in conducted Captain Snowy.

Travelling to Argentina : Solmi

Yesterday, i travelled to Argentina and found place called : Buenos Aires, and sitting at Cafe and trying to eat " Solmi " What is " Solmi " ? It is noodle verse seafood, but with octopus and the noodle coloring BLACK. I was alone to visit Argentina-Buenos Aires, because my dear friend just died at Disney. And i am totally sad and stayed to Argentina and worked as photagrapher journalist. And everyday i was eating Solmi and fun alone and cried sometimes.

Travelling to Cyprus : Nako

Yesterday, i travelled to Cyprus and found place called "Magenta". It is city with a lot pig, and we try special food from pig, called Nako. Nako is sweety cooking pig with dressing pinneaple and littlle tomato, but promise i will back to Cyprus. Because, Nako is hard to define. Nako is special food to celebrate The Verdict Day. Do you like pig? Yesterday, he purposed me with Nako and silver ring---,but sorry he died or nowhere faded.

Steak and Fake Price

1. Rib : part front from meat (e.g neck), very slightly 2. Tenderloin : part middle from meat (e.g belly)=expensive , very fatty 3. Sirloin : part back (belakang) from meat--except 1,2,--- hard to differ, but reddish not too slightly, not too fatty e.g bottom  4. Bonetight : bone with meat 5. Ligamen  : leg with meat Cooked : 1. Stark : fully finished cook 2. Slane  : half finished cook Sauce taste: 1. Soli : sweety 2. Marsh : spicy Powder : 1.Black pepper 2. Salt 3. Cheese I guess my knowledge is true🤪 Any question, please contact steak restaurant. Because, some restaurant doing Not True---about their cooking serve, but you pay expensive. That every part of meat different price.

Waitangi Day and April Rainbow [@NASA]

Waitangi day is a day to cultivate through this summer. Mostly farmer  do dilligently in Waitangi day. Waitangi on April and dance sore sore to celebrate it. Mostly they do not like laziness because god and goddes will judge them, also their parents-spirit and godparents-spirit to come to bless. What they mostly pray? They pray for could see best future with dilligently anything and comin' rainbow on April---that is symbolize God comin to visit to bless cultivating day. Where is the rainbow? On 23 April at near river Shamoa. You may check.

How to avoid Shark

1. Prepare parfume around body and clothes. 2. Shark will far away from you and not bite you because parfume. 3. Dont use red/blue/colorful clothes, it attract shark. 4. Dont challenge shark by noise or gesture, turn off the machine. 5. Dont go beach at sun goes down. 6. Always guide with boat/yacht/ship while swimming or diving. Proof my words. Because i ever got bite by shark.

Ginger House is Real and Flu Prevent

Ginger House is "Real". Everyone suppose to enter the Ginger House at Disneyland with waiting.  But, Ginger House at Disneyland just duplicate of Ginger House at Polar Santana City. Yesterday, Polar and Santana get cold and must drink also eat ginger. So, they culvitate ginger many. Even so, the water source and lake around taste like ginger. Ginger available at everywhere corner market/supermarket Polar Santana city. You will have better health from cough and flu, if you are drinking "Lake Polar Santana purity original version", available at supermarket. Where i could find bottle version to reduce cough and flu? Just for fun info.

Florence and her blindness

Yesterday, princess Florence is blindness--because fallen from bed out to window. Everyday, she learn to speak and read about "water". W-a-t-e-r, she spell it with her finger about curve of the words. Everyday, she have to spell it, write it and feel it. Then, she cry that the world so dark and feel tears drop like water. And later, she likes cry everyday to feel about water---then she desperate that the world so hurt and dark.  And she enter down to chimney to go on suicidal. God help her, also Angel help her and explain about no need to worries about everything that Florence not patiently to go to America, to wait the cornea better in shape into laser. Cornea not better in shape because fallen and crying easily. Later, Florence get healed by laser and God, but late at school. She waited about 7 years to see, and comma 4 years about dying down at chimney. How many years are you waiting for miracles? Be patient. Source : my true parents told me.

Princess Destiny Mexico ( source : orange as cover book, at Mexico Nationale Universidad)

Princess Destiny is the most kindly princess in the world. She is from Mexico. Based reference i read with cover orange fruit, here explained : 1. She never drunk, ciggarette and drugs. 2. Extreme : wanna make believers in Santa Maria. 3. She travelled to Islamic-Center-Kaabah, more than once and saying : "Allah is the same, but why our skin is different, your Allah is not my Allah". 4. Not concern with current issue until finally dead in India. Then War with India. In India, she spreading her belief with kindness. What kindness? Share second-clothes, until making sensibly India-government about the richness country that no need help any. Message : Do not help sensibly person. Source : Orange book at Mexico Nationale Universidad.

Auckland in Memoriam Bombing 7.7.2007

Yesterday, it was bombing in Auckland. When, it was independance day for Auckland WWII(World War 2)---but suddenly an rudal fallen on 7.7.2007. An rudal from Australia, and my father lost his leg. Then, War with Australia.

Carribean Wikipedia (end)

Wikipedia : Carribean from words : "carry" and "bean". Because a lot unique bean there such bean-sprout, soya-bean, long-bean and short-bean. The different bean, you may ask specialist agriculture. But, bean not longing enough to carry because massive volcano yesterday that make islands into pieces. Happened massive-volcano because King black died for her princess who killed by white-guy and treated her like slavery into kill her. Later, Queen married again with white skin.  Her princess who was doing 'carry bean' for her King dad soup as birthday King dad celebration that despised so by white guy, treated like slavery that been killed. This complete story written on the Wall Cuba Institute, Havana--- if still restored. 

The Future Energy (source : ask Heaven)---but Australia admit as Kenny invention, even so my clothes. SHIT Australia!

Besides, gasoline there is energy accu to be electricity with H2SO4 of accu filled. But, accu electricity H2SO4 can increase "rust" to machine. But, there is (pure) water energy with battery about working with vapor by : 1. resistor minimal 12 Ampere (black) 2. stone 3. battery which recharged with  electricity H2SO4 Here , i submit  to be considering in solving of Energy Issue. Source : Ask Heaven Papa, but Australia admit as Kenny invention

Chèese---> repost

1. Cheese parmesan : Cheese in pieces 2. Cheese mozarella  : White cheese, upper part of milk. 3. Cheese cheddar : yellow cheese, bottom part of milk. 4. Cream cheese : cream sweety cheese 5. Margarine/Mentega : cream salty cheese 6. Whipped cream cheese : cheese foam for drink O, really my name yesterday cheese??

Baldzie with choco bolero, specialty Grindelwald--->repost

Yesterday, i tried this specialty food with Microsoft : Baldzie Choco Bolero. Another cake named Bolero, but with baldzie choco bolero is more crunchy. Bolero is mixture soft with coatedly cheese and chocholate and combining ice cream. But, baldzie is like ball crunchy with dipped bolero also delicious. Try it at Grindelwald. Not found in America, Asia, Australia.