
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2022

Let Snow Sahara

Yesterday, Sahara-dessert not getting snow, but very high temperature 40celc and more. Prince Abdul got a dream to throw many fish to river and to the sea for changing the global-warming. He throwed many fish, but fish not delicious to eat. Then, he came to Indonesia to ask about reciepe fish. Mmm, sambal/chili sauce the problem. Then, he cultivate many chili and tomato to be 'sambal'. Later, after all fish getting full of the seas and river, sahara-desert become snow. Wanna try making snow? May be you can try like Prince Abdul' s dream. Who is Prince Abdul? I forgot.

StarFishJelly in Charlotta-beach, Switzerland

Long time a go in Betlehem, children ran from tragedy Betlehem to the beach and eating star-fish-jelly then ran to Europe that picked up by my family. To save them from tragedy Betlehem, more than just famine tragedy. Now, that star-fish-jelly moved there, at Charlotta Beach Switzerland on April only. How much the ship to carry them? As much as star-fish-jelly you can count into today. Europe is not 100% European, some from tragedy Betlehem.

Died because Milk

I had died several years a go and burried in Canada. Many boys-girls of Canadians not having parents, also not having money. They spent money only to buy parfume for me to make my dead-body still look like perfect. They cried in cemetery of me with creeping, also to their parents'cemetery. I died because the murderers wanted my Industrial Milk,----i died many times because this Industrial Milk. One boy asked me, "Princess, i could not buy milk to my sister-baby, and now my sister-baby dead too, right beside you. Look!" One girl asked me, "Princess, i am not marry yet, but please build Ice Cream Shop, because starbucks is expensive, but my money to married for buying parfume for you." I have sent all those prayers to WHO(World Health Organization) about milk and ice cream. But, God make me alive for reason that i didnt know because my parents-request and those special reason above' 💘 '. May you go marry now and thanks for the parfume while I was dying.

Canabis Island, Carribean

Canabis Island, Carribean is island with a lot of ibis-bird, so the hotel named after it, Ibis Hotel. Here the story about Canabis and Ibis Hotel. Canabis is further more romantique island than any city in the world, because it dressed with a lot of beauty trees called Cana-trees which color pink and yellow. AND history making baby of me. The breeze not too wild, the summer breeze so coolin this mind, and the mountain showing near beach. The beach touching with pink and red of ibis bird that show how wonderful island it is. Yesterday, papa King run out about his ship fuel. He couldnot going anywhere just sleeping under Cana-trees and eating mushroom and chocholate. He couldnot send message to call mom to indicate position. Because no electricity at there. Then, ibis- bird came and eating chocolate papa King, then papa King told everything about his feeling to bird by showing picture Versailles Palace and bandage the picture into feet of ibis-bird. Later, 2 hours after it, mom Queen cam...

Tragedy Bahama Ship(end)

It was WAR about tears New Zealand to looking for me, and all my friends Jakarta crying : "Princess, please stop The War, Let's go to Cuba, you will save there! Not close Australia nor Indonesia!" "Princess, our dad are DIED, and all visitors Church are DIED, Hurry up to Cuba, You will save there! We took  Bahama SHIP, because our security died on crash-plane." All friends and Government New Zealand took Bahama Ship, and will prepare coronation, soon, but security reason in Cuba first.  Then suddenly came gang PMK and Step kill our security at church also--infront of my eyes and despise me, and cheap gossip around and i am crying.  Then, Prime Minister New Zealand came and mend my heart by saying that it is Politic Amerika-Indonesia-Australia and buying me some chocholate and ice cream--A BOX of Ice Cream and Chocholate---to bring it to Cuba. Then, we voyage cruise to Cuba by Bahama SHIP with a lot friends, a lot chocholate and ice cream---but, suddenly in point...

Eiffel Tower

It was the beautiful places, called Paris. Also  Parisian and European grew up together here. The beautiful princess born to be star named Eiffela Laura . She is very beauty with mix hair: blonde and brunnette and black. Suddenly, Eiffela Laura killed with her fans and died and War! Eiffela died, Eiffela died, King will look the medicine to outer space for better health of her. King launched many rocket to outer space. So, many people died gaze outer-space, will King back home with medicine. No! ---but, King suicidal at outerspace--his dead body not found, but his rocket spinning around and around at outerspace. Later, after this, Queen born new baby with the same name 'Eiffela Laura' , but, King had died at outer space, and Eiffela not wake up from dying. And War ended, because new baby Eiffela is reborn back. This commemorate with Eiffel Tower..----without la-- End.

Saturdate in Jamaica(curhat_edition)

Where is Jamaica? It was my first job in WHO(World Health Organization) going to Jamaica, as docter with 5 team. We would like to observe new viruses avian-influenza that cause died among Jamaica. We are bit scared because we just 6, five female and one male, include me. It was Saturday, long long journey from airport to Jamaica. We stayed in litle motel, but they said it condominium and offered condom. And  i say thanks that we are still too young and no need condom. But, we are docter to observe avian-influenza. Then, it was Saturdate--- we out together for dinner on my birthday, then four of us got car accident and died. And she slapped my cheeck and said : "SHIT! FUCked Princess. You make us died. Bye. "  Totally, we lost died about 4 friends on car accident, just two minutes from restaurant. One of them who died was my fiancee. We met at college. He was not part of WHO, but to guide me. He was about the luckiest one, he said that to cure my pain about loosing 'all my...

Grandpa Louis Teaches First

Grandpa Louis teaches first to me is about swimming. "Lady no sexy without swimming, dont hate me, if i angry while teaching you, dear, my princess, " grandpa said to me. Every lessons, Grandpa gave little present and dollars ---for me not to be hurt because study hard in swimming. And that money to buy flower garden and flower-shop and giving back to grandma. And i am so grateful into today about this lesson. Thank you grandpa.

Bluetooth and Rick(curhat_edition)

It was amnesia again after had kicked from Portugal---back because ID Indonesia, and during nearly Christmas, i go on diet. Honestly, it seem hard to move on from past, but i was like in lonely planet in Indonesia, i still need someone---because nobody.  I prayed to God for giving me job because i was amnesia and could not afford. I prayed to God to have a lot friends in lonely planet Indonesia. Then, i was back to my old job, and treat some kindness because lonely planet. Share food, treat food to all my new friends. And i said: please help me that i am amnesia, i can be tested about job again. Well, i got my job, can afford, and can doing some kindness, and of course on diet for Christmas that no need too much food. Then, often to share. Hahaha. But, i was still alone and buying blue-tooth, and Magic! Everybody heard and really like it, not anger noise with me. Then, a lot spy followed me after buying Magic!blue-tooth. Then, Magic!also, my old friend from Netherland back after he...

Bloody New Queen-size Bed, NZ(curhat_edition)

"Hello, Assalamualaikum, My name is A, Merry Christmas," he knocked my door with bringing a bucket of flower. "Thank you" , my replied. "Why u reject my salam, i wish you answer and not reject Moslem," he said. "Wailakumsalam, but Christmas, " my replied. Then, we out together sitting at Cafe and talking more and more until midnight. He explained about like my radio-show. Because, i was announcer radio. Finally after few weeks, he purposed me, but i was not at Semarang, but in New Zealand. So, he came by jetski to New Zealand only to purpose me in the same day. But, he didnt call me because bad signal, then i found message that he had accident with jetski and in hospital. Later, he got well and we are married. He left his job and i opened small restaurant. Later, just for 2 years, he finally died. And i was not realize that i slept with dead man, many months and many days. I kept talking with dead body and kept sex with dead body---NEVER REALIZED...

Cafe Fairytally, Huffington Canada

It was my 3rd birthday at Cafe Fairytally, and parents asked me : "Why not celebrate birthday at Disney? but here." "I am jealous because everyone dream princess and someday waste me ", my replied. And grandpa King kissed me by saying, "I have designed you perfectly with 100% pure love, who will do that?" We just ate there, then papa King signed on : 'cheque' for me for not worry about that. And i saved many 'cheque' from papa King for my future---but dont know where it is. We never had any little or big squirrell, almost never had enemies. But, after 'cheque', i found my papa King lying dead and many flowers around---but, in England. What happen? I lost my hand and soul while so much happier about 'cheque' from papa King. And papa King replace it with his soul. End.

So, Alone in America(curhat_edition)

It was first job as VJ MTV and college. Everyone got their busiest and I just tried to remember the scenario TV. And it was my birthday, i bought cake alone without friends and I shared with sheltered-kids. Then, i met Mother Mary at restaurant at Amerika. I didnt know really who was Mother Mary real. She introduced herself Mary. She asked me to go to college that beauty not worth without college---and to open briefcase our houses in Amerika. Our houses??Are you mom??--confuse. And she said:" Yesterday college in Hongkong is not admited because political racism in Amerika." Then, i took application to college as docter in Standford University, but waiting so long. Then, in Christmas, i was sitting alone that everybody home for Christmas, but i was not. Then, i met dr. Ziglar that open house for me, the urban and offer job. Later, i helped dr. Ziglar in job about animals and got salary, beside as VJ MTV. But, when i would like to celebrate next Christmas, dr. Ziglar and his fa...

i've deleted the hoax that made by hacker!:Blue Wild Rose

Me Bday Sad 17(curhat_edition)

It was my birthday my 17th. And He was mine. He said, "I guess that you are now sweet 17th, but why not comin back Indonesia?Happy birthday.." Me answered, "So suck and idiot thing, comin back Indonesia, so many name Bertha---and me just for 'Garbage Comparison' , there." And he said, " I have show in Semarang Krista Mitra High School, just 30 minutes to Australia to celebrate together, later after the show. " And I waited at Pennisula Hotel Australia for his coming from The Show at Krista Mitra high-school, but bad news from them. He was just dead crashed with train while on the way to airport Semarang to destination Australia. And then i cried and dumb couldnot talk at all, and then some friend hit my head and took me to Paris to get healed and giving someone new boy friend. But, in Heaven, God, papa, mama and that dead-boy congrated Happy birthday with saying, "Do not share happiness with jealousy people. " And we danced Waltz with the...

New Year's Eve in Suva Island&Walrus(Not Hoax)

Have you heard Suva  Island? What fascinate me to celebrate New Year's Eve in Suva island? Suva has beautiful beach that a lot of pink coconut--and cutie 'anjing laut' who stay in sand beach without afraid w human. And those 'anjing laut' will glow in the dark.. Is 'anjing laut' same with WALRUS? And when meriam or trumpet sound of Happy New Year or signal WAR---those 'anjing laut' /walrus will singing and dancing with MORE GLOWIN' And many kind of glowing BIRD and 'anjing laut'/walrus will stay at Suva-beach for rest without afraid with human. I stay in my cottage w adopt these 'anjing laut' /walrus with permission only for our celebrating New Year with my husband for 3 days. And 'anjing laut'/walrus is smell good animal and tame really.   This 'anjing laut' or walrus?? give him inspiring about new song 'Beautiful People'    (lathi)---and could buy great car. But, that real meaning is Beautiful Walrus/anji...

A Hundreds Snail, Solomon Island (Warm only)


Soledad in Slovakia of Wrong ID(Curhat_buat_papaKing_di_Surga)

Soledad.. It is lonely.. After, my boyfriend died, I lost in Slovakia with wrong ID-card. The city name Haupurn. I cried along the way, just woke up from dying in Haupurn. And officer said, "Cresiera?" What?Drunk, not drunk Sir?---i replied. No food, no money, robbered, hunger, amnesia, and wrong ID card---but, some words Europe and English still remembered. ghost.  Then, i go to the Beach nearby, i took small boat to harbour then to Indonesia---by selling my Versace' jacket. Ooo...thanks Versace, i am not LIAR BITCH!

Frog Pharaoh Move to Brazil

Have you ever heard the magic stick Moses that can make many frogs come in? Yes. I ever heard. But, dont you know, where is the frog moving for today? Hahaha. At Suezy Lake, Brazil. So, many pretty colors frogie from Egypt movin' to be right place here. Where is the map? Forgot. Yesterday, I visited this Suezy Lake, with papaKing without momQueen, after tragedy fire-burning Versailles Palace. In another day, visited that frogie--- while i was being flight attendant with my best friend, Suzy to cheer her days after tragedy plane in Thailand. Later, after that, Suzy and her family died after had award from Government Thailand about that crash-plane. Then, i had tragedy bus and amnesia about all things about plane. End.

Father's day in daughter's view

My father (papa King) asked me about what the meaning father's day? And i said : a special time, a special moment about Father. Papa King : That's it?Another day not special?What's the meaning father?Been married w someone else can replace father? Father is a truly gift from God about meaning a man. Stronger. Protector. Anything can be.---my replied. Then Spirit my father (papa King) took me to Lake Orange..and said: "a father is wasted after girl got married. But, you not waste me, i am mistakable leaving this Earth." In Heaven papa King said secondly, "Go to Lake Orange and ask the key of our houses, it is perfect gift for you." Everyday, i think about Lake Orange and him. I wish i could turn back time. I wish no ego father man anymore and  no girl's ego anymore---after both finding their heart. Happy Birthday father..24.12. And Merry Christmases.

Bloody Thames River on Friday 13

Yesterday, on Friday 13, 500 (five hundreds) my bestfriends asked me to take oath that someday forgiving UK  to abandon me, even so killing me very sadistic. More than any belief and any broken look and robbery zero zero seven. It is hard time to settle Right Throne, it cause bloody river Thames year by year after King had gone. I dont greedy any throne, but why you robber me again and again and killing me again and again and denial killing my love again and again---although painful so not admit me. Woman throne is her confidence with her true love. Everybody know about it. Why gossiping me and denial my true love? And all that 500 friends had died, now. O shit. Wait Friday on 13, Thames River, so reddish. Proof my words. Thank you.

Magic Cheese Stick Deer Santa

Dont you know it? Deer can run faster and smiling hard if we give magic stick cheese. Look that. We play sliding-deer with Feretti Ferari, yesterday Christmas in Heaven Write again. Write again. Write again.  Feretti yell asked me to write.

in Heaven w Feretti Ferari

Feretti : Hii, sister? I am so much painful knowing your written incredible things. ME : Really? ME : You like it. I will write again to cheer you Feretti. ME  : Why i cannot be with you? Then, he was going nowhere, just tea-leave, and I took care his tea and enlarge it. Mom comin by saying : he is jealous that everybody loves you by giving flower while you dead. Hi, come on, giving Feretti Ferari much flower than me, he is the best prince chef i've ever known. My ATM in troubled so, cannot buy Feretti flower.

Garfield and Feretti Ferari

Yesterday, papa King had son named Feretti, and his first cartoon was Garfield. He died on Christmasday, one day after celebrate birthday papa King. He died at Sugar Keboen near Fabrique Sugar-Cane---while he was playing there alone. Why he was playing alone? He was playing hide and seek with his dog, Smurf. Now, papa King has only wishes that I could brave to live on this Earth, coz yesterday, Feretti had gone. Al-Berta, that's my wishes name to live along life not like Feretti. Al-Berta Feretti. Sugar Keboen change it name into Tea Tong Tji Keboen....i dont know for today........ Pesta Keboen House, his cooking.

Ciater Purple Kilimanjaro Mountain,Africaa

Where is Kilimanjaro Mountain? Kilimanjaro mountain is the longest mountainous as long as Africaa. Kilimanjaro has beauty sight waterfall and ciater also. But, it located in country Abuja southern, in village Bailoo.  We visited there with family while kid and again with Africaan friends while working as docter WHO(World Health Organization). It is very fascinating there, we healed allergian fish of Africaan people with teaching cooking good fish and healthy. At ciater purple Kilimanjaro, a lot of purple fish and purple shrimp fish, also the color water is purple inside the ciater. Be careful while visiting wilderness Africaa, must cooked in high temperature and clean wash of vegetables-fruits, also clean cooking.

Red Cliffs Indianapolis and Butterflies


Small Boat and Wave Crashing

Boat is just small ship who can handle wave crashing from suffering windy and stormy. It takes many hours to cross island. But, when small boat is destroy, it can still survival and floating--but none of ship can floating. A small things is strongest than big things. A small minded is healthy. A simple life is healthy. A simple talk is healthy. If, we are not train with little simple things, we cannot fight stormy wave crashing. Why, i can have kram-otak, although i have trained my brain w simple things? And God said: you are not simple love, but big love to those who has gone. Is simple love called love?    Simple love is acceptable anyway, not too much expect from those who love you. Promise not giving big love to you, my kram otak(meningitis) #curhat  

Calvary and Herod-Solar-Eclipse on April

Some believe that 'Calvary' of Jesus is the haunted place in the world. Because, so haunted, government Herod keep the bloody wood of Calvary that belong of Jesus. An dark of April--like solar eclipse, around state of Herod reign into today. Many flights have been to cancel to go to Herod state,  for around April--the died of Jesus. But, around April, the Calvary site always raining, although around country is summer. That's true! But, some believe that Jesus is risen on Easterday----and no more dark of solar eclipse and no more rain? No, that's wrong. On Easter day that 'Calvary' is mist and flourish much, but sometimes rain still. Why still rain? Because, still many sinful people in this world.  

and many many told have been delete

My Candy Land Company, Solfolk, North-Pole

Yesterday, it was standing there The Biggest CandyLand Company, Ltd in Solfolk, North Pole. To reduce this painful. To make our relationship more sweet like candy. To heal this broken hearted loosing of victim War for especially kid and teenager. To be best partner about meet and greet for their loosing partner, family, friend. This purposeful has been signed by King Philipe ---that someday i am gonna loosing. Write your story about this Candyland Company.  We grateful you have found everything here. Merry Xmas only for open it yesterday. Dont know for today  But, this is my story about . Yesterday, I worked for bloomberg company television. And i visited this Big Candy Company with bestfriend and she said : One day, i never see you forever, because you are princess. But, i hope you go to forget us, because everbody American hate you, because prince William and Harry ever kissed you. And then, we got car accident together. And i back in Indonesia and amnesia, again and again. ...